SOLTRON® is fast becoming the "Preferred" additive of choice for helping keep your fuel oil fired furnace or space heater burning in tip top shape. Adding just 1 Ounce of SOLTRON® per 30 gallons of fuel in your storage tank helps keep your fuel fresh for months and months, and also helps to eliminate water, mold, bacteria, and even begins to break down harmful particulate matter that is growing in your fuel. The results are a much cleaner fuel delivery system of piping, pumps, and nozzles. Not only will your burner and fire chamber begin to clean up, with the continued use of SOLTRON® in your fuel, it will keep your equipment and chimney in as clean a condition as possible. One of the main benefits you may realize, is one that you can't even see. Using this product has been proven to significantly reduce the risk of CO, Carbon Monoxide poisoning of your family and loved ones. You can't put a price on that. SOLTRON® saves you maintenance, and provides your family greater comfort and safety. It will also help to lower your heating bills. In most cases, we find that the savings FAR outweigh the cost of the product itself, many times over.