What types of fuel can Soltron® be used in?
Soltron® is safe and effective in all grades of gasoline, including E-10, diesel fuel, biodiesel, kerosene, and heating oil.�
Should I use a different mix ratio for different types of fuel?
For routine application in road fuels, use 1 part of Soltron® to 4,000 parts of fuel.� That�s about one oz. per 30 gallons.� If you are using our 16 oz. bottle, each red line on the back label is one ounce.� Soltron® is pure fuel, so if you overdose, you won�t hurt anything.�
When you first treat an older car, truck, or an above ground bulk fuel tank, you might want to use a double dose.� Soltron® works much faster on fixing old fuel, removing combustion chamber carbon deposits, and cleaning up dirty fuel tanks with a double dose.� After the first tank of fuel, switch to the regular dose and you will get Soltron�s full benefits.
When treating contaminated fuel, always use a double dose and you will get better results.� Always monitor your fuel filters after treating contaminated fuel.� Soltron® is a powerful dispersant and may loosen and dislodge heavy accumulations of sludge, including deposits caused by overuse of other fuel additives.� Fuel filters may require servicing when first using Soltron® in contaminated fuel.
Will using Soltron® void my engine warranty?
No.� Soltron® is registered with the EPA under the terms of their �Substantially Similar� interpretive rule, which means Soltron® is similar in composition to unleaded gasoline or Ultra low sulfur diesel fuel.� This allows its use in all on-road and off-road fuels.� Soltron® does not contain any harmful chemicals, alcohol, biocides, surfactants, detergents, metals, or readily measurable amounts of sulfur, that could damage an engine or take a fuel outside of its ASTM specifications.
How long does Soltron® take to act?
Soltron�s effects will begin to be noticeable in as little as 30 minutes.� Idle will improve, and stuttering during high-speed acceleration will diminish.� The dirtier the fuel, and the higher the mileage on the engine, the longer the engine will take to reach its full potential on Soltron®.� The average vehicle will get measurable improvements in fuel economy on the first tank, but will reach optimum results after two or three tanks of treated fuel.� �
How long is Soltron® good for in the bottle?
Soltron® will stay fresh for two years, providing the container is sealed tightly, and the bottle is kept in a cool, dark area.� Do not store Soltron® in direct sunlight.
Does Soltron® mix with other fuel additives?
We have never experienced any negative reactions with other common fuel additives, but there are hundreds on the market, and Soltron® has not been tested under controlled situations with these additives, so we suggest that Soltron® be used alone.� Soltron® is multi-functional so no other performance additives are required.
Can Soltron® be used in extreme cold?
Soltron® is good down to the same temperature as fuel.� If the fuel hasn�t frozen, Soltron® will work just fine.
What about using anti-gels with Soltron® in cold weather?
Soltron® has been used effectively with conventional anti-gels.� If your area needs an anti-gel, feel free to use one in conjunction with Soltron®.� We do not recommend the use of another multi-function fuel additive with anti-gels, and Soltron®.
What types of engines can I use Soltron® in?
Soltron® is effective in all engines and has been laboratory tested in two-cycle diesel, four-cycle diesel, four-cycle gas, and even in jet turbine engines.� Soltron® has over eight years of experience in two-cycle gas/oil racing bikes and outboards as well.� Use Soltron® in lawn mowers, weed cutters, snowmobiles, motorcycles, emergency generators, and RV�s, as well as your car or truck.
Can Soltron® be used in a home heating system?
Yes, Soltron® is very effective in home heating oil.� It keeps oil tanks and lines free of sludge, and keeps burner tips clean.�
Can Soltron® be used in a steam boiler?
Yes, Soltron® is very effective in boilers. Although Soltron® has only been laboratory tested in piston and jet turbine engines, we do have field reports from customers on boilers.� We have one report from the Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority stating they had a 16% reduction in fuel consumption.� However, there are a lot of variables in boiler design, which makes estimating improvements very difficult.� Boilers may also need to be re-tuned to take advantage of Soltron®.� Boilers require adequate make up air, and often don�t have the computer controlled fuel systems that modern automotive engines do.� Boilers may have to have the fuel spray nozzles sized down to prevent over-fueling and a rich mixture, to take full advantage of Soltron®.�
Will Soltron® trip the �Check Engine� warning sensor?
No.� In an average, clean, and properly operating engine and fuel system, Soltron® will not affect any engine sensors, including the O2 sensor.� There is no chemical element or component in Soltron® that will affect any system monitors.� However, if the engine�s combustion chamber or exhaust system is exceptionally dirty with carbon, or even from inorganic solids in the fuel such as dirt and rust, or ethanol/water & varnish mix, (see Q&A 15 on ethanol) any time a fuel additive that has a cleaning or dispersant capability is first used, it is still possible to trigger the Check Engine light that is reading the O2 (oxygen) sensor�s condition.� Minute pieces of debris may become lodged against the sensor.� This is rare, but can occasionally happen.� Once the debris is blown away completely, most vehicles� warning lights will reset after a couple of starts.�
If your Check Engine light came on shortly after first using Soltron®, and does not reset after a few miles and starts, and your engine is running smoothly, check your vehicle owner�s maintenance book or ask you dealer if the sensor is set to only be reset manually.�� If this is the case, you may be needed to reset the warning light.� If your engine is not running smoothly, or if the light is blinking, then your vehicle may need immediate mechanical service.�
O2 sensors wear out, and cause improper fuel to air mixtures, causing poor performance and fuel economy.� As many car owners often choose to first use a fuel additive when they notice a problem with their car�s performance, it is not uncommon to use Soltron® just before the O2 sensor fails and trips the Check Engine warning light.� Do not mistake this phenomenon as an effect of the additive.� Please read reprint below:
REPRINT FROM Jimmy Nylund, (automedia.com) on O2 sensors
Many vehicles have only one oxygen sensor, however newer vehicles may have multiple sensors. Their function is to tell the computer how to adjust the fuel delivery and timing to achieve the best possible burn in the combustion chambers, and they do that by reading the amount of oxygen in the exhaust system. If the oxygen sensor is worn, it can cost you a 10-15% decrease in mileage. With today's fuel prices, that could be a steep price to pay over the course of time, especially since even the high-quality replacement units from manufacturers such as Bosch and Denso are quite affordable for most applications. These name-brand sensors are typically laser-welded and watertight for long life and are available at most decent parts stores. Request a sensor that has a factory-style wiring connection instead of a "universal fit" model (which will require cutting and crimping wires in tight quarters) in order to save installation time.
Smog & Performance
Bosch reports that California Air Resources Board data showed that about 70% of the vehicles tested needed a new oxygen sensor. O2 sensors degrade from carbon, soot, harmful gases, anti-freeze and thermal and physical shock. One- and two-wire sensors wear out after 30,000-50,000 miles, and newer heated-type sensors with three or four wires last 60,000-100,000 miles.
Performance-wise, worn O2 sensors are the primary reason for harmful emissions because they don't send accurate fuel-burn information to the vehicle's computer. Tired oxygen sensors can also cause engine surging and hesitating, and they accelerate catalytic-converter damage.
Don't wait until a failed smog test forces you to do something about that ailing sensor: get improved performance and fuel economy soon, the easy way.
Bosch, ����� Denso, www.denso-int.com
Will Soltron® harm my catalytic converter?
No.� Soltron�s proven effects on reducing emissions, particularly soot and SO2 (sulfur dioxide) should actually extend the life of a catalytic converter.� Emissions tests run on several 20 year old cars shows a continued improvement in carbon monoxide emissions on their second tanks of treated gas, which indicates that Soltron® may actually rejuvenate the catalytic surface by removing carbon.�
I have E-10 (10% ethanol) fuel in my area.� Will Soltron® work in ethanol- treated fuels?
Yes.� Soltron® works well in E-10.� Ethanol, as a fuel additive, is growing in use around the country, and has value in reducing the use of imported oil.� However, ethanol has characteristics that present the car or boat owner with unique housekeeping issues.�� Ethanol is polar, (has an electrical charge) which gives it a strong affinity for water.�� When a fuel tank is exposed to heavy moisture build-up from condensation, such as in marine applications, or sitting in emergency generators or RV�s, or an above ground fuel tank that is exposed to large temperature swings, water tends to build up in the tank.� Water and ethanol bind together.� The mixture is heavier than gas and will fall to the bottom of the tank.� This is called �phase separation�.� This mixture can attack old resin, varnish, and gum residue from conventional gasoline, and this forms a sticky goo that can plug filters and clog fuel injectors.� Soltron® has been reported by many customers, including fuel and oil wholesalers, to cure this problem.� Soltron® has not been laboratory tested for this action.� However, laboratory tests do show that Soltron® reduces gum, water, asphaltenes, and other fuel contaminants.
Another problem occurs if ethanol is exposed to water.� Ethanol is naturally about 111 octane, so refiners use it to increase the octane in gasoline.� When water contaminates E-10, the fuel loses its octane, and the engine can ping severely.� You may also experience a loss of power and fuel economy.� Laboratory tests have shown that Soltron® can increase octane in low octane fuels, and many customers have reported complete restoration of combustion performance in water-contaminated fuel in a matter of hours.
�It has been reported in several boating magazines that older fiberglass resins dating back to the early 1980�s are attacked by ethanol.� The residue is dissolved and passed through the engine�s filters, but is hardened upon combustion, and forms deposits on valves, injectors, and pistons that are capable of causing a catastrophic engine failure.� While the use of fiberglass in boat fuel tanks was limited, there are many thousands of these boats still in existence.� If you have or suspect you have a fiberglass fuel tank from the 1980�s, please check with your local boat shop.� DO NOT USE GASOLINE CONTAINING ETHANOL IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE TANKS. Soltron® will not remove these deposits.�
Soltron® has not been tested in E-85, and is not recommended for that fuel.� It is perfectly safe in Flex fuel vehicles, and may be used when running E-10 to keep moisture from contaminating the fuel.
Will Soltron® clean up hardened varnish in carburetors or my old fuel tank?
No.� Soltron® does not contain any heavy duty cleaning chemicals.� While the enzyme will break down varnish that is suspended in fuel or remove light films typical of a car�s fuel tank, it will not dissolve thick, hardened varnish or resins built up on bulk tank walls or in the carburetor, that have polymerized through fuel evaporation and heat.� This type of deposit requires either chemical strippers or steam cleaning.� Solpower does not recommend �in-fuel� chemical strippers, unless they will be removed prior to refueling.� These chemicals can get into the engine�s oil supply and may attack soft metals such as copper bearings.� Some strippers are caustic, and can attack aluminum components.� If you have hardened varnish in a bulk fuel tank, we suggest professional steam cleaning.� Carburetors should be disassembled and cleaned with buffered chemical strippers.� Please consult with your local auto supply parts store or a professional mechanic for recommendation of products.
Will Soltron® stabilize fuel?
Yes.� Soltron® prevents fuel deterioration in a properly capped fuel tank by retarding agglomeration of asphaltenes, preventing moisture related fuel failure, by preventing microbial growth and its corrosive damage, and by reducing formation of gums and resin precipitates.� Fuel composition varies dramatically, and is affected by temperature and humidity, so predicting a fuel�s maximum long-term stability is difficult.� Gasoline is generally protected for six months, and diesel is generally good for up to two years.� Sealed containers can last much longer.� We suggest a double dose of Soltron® for fuel intended for storage.�
NOTE:� Soltron�s enzyme formula is sensitive to extremely high temperatures.�� The standard ASTM test for fuel oxidation stability is a �forced� oxidation test, meaning the fuel is heated well beyond normal fuel storage temperatures, to degrade the fuel in a matter of just eight hours.� While this test predicts fuel stability with chemical additives, it destroys the enzyme in a manner no road or marine fuel is actually exposed to.� Solpower does not utilize this industry standard test, and judges Soltron�s long-term stability on actual stored fuel samples.
Does Soltron® contain a pesticide or biocide?
No.� Soltron�s enzyme component has been tested in a medical laboratory and is proven non-toxic.� (The petroleum carrier is still hazardous, as are all fuels)� Soltron® cures biological growth in fuel by eliminating water, which fuel fungi and mold need to live, and by neutralizing the �static� electrical charge that the organisms use to cling together to form colonies or stick to tank surfaces.� Soltron® is free of any poisons.� It functions as a bio-surfactant, and acts as a rinsing agent as opposed to a biocide.